Health, Luck, Love, Soothing, Communication
* Associated with Throat & Heart Chakras
* A symbol of youth & eternal happiness
* Clears & activates the throat chakra , assisting with speaking ones truth
* Highly spiritual stone that opens intuition & increases clairvoyance
* Helps to clear your mind & balance your emotions , brings calming & soothing energy
Mica (Muscovite)
Love, Self Reflection, Growth, Release
* Associated with Third Eye & Heart Chakras
* Facilitates clarity in vision & mysticism
* Recognition of flaws in humanity while remaining in a heart space to love all
* Assists with self reflection, acknowledgement & elimination of character traits that no longer serve ones highest purpose
* Provides growth & flexibility & supports processing & releasing painful feelings
* Diminishes nervous energy & calms an overthinking mind
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