Self Discovery, Intuition, Dreams, Goddess
* Associated with the Third Eye & Crown Chakras
* Encourages us to pay attention to the cycles of our lives & celebrate milestones
* Teaches us to let go of frustrations & to surrender to the flow of natural progress
* Connects us with deep intuition & psychic awareness
* Allows us to embrace the ebb & flow of the moon
* Believed to help in stabilizing female hormones & males to become attuned to hormonal shifts
Courage, Vitality, Sexuality, Confidence
* Associated with Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras
* Stone of action, helping us to take the leap & manifest our thoughts & desires
* Helps to overcome fear & embrace change & transformation
* Stone of leadership & courage
* Strengthens & brings vitality & detoxification
* Assists ailments of the throat, tension headaches & thyroid glands
Black Tourmaline
Purification, Protection
* Associated with the Root Chakra
* Ability to transmute & purify negative energy, protecting ones energy field, attachments, entities & energetic debris
* Grounding & supportive
* Assists one to overcome stress or worry
* Provides protection from electromagnetic energy
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