Himalayan Quartz
Intuition, Knowledge, Insight
* Associated with all Chakras
* Extremely high vibration
* Establishes strong, clear connection to higher guidance
* Elevates ones consciousness to newer heights
* Stimulates the Third Eye to enhance physic visionary ability
* Holds ancient knowledge and vibrations and helps access ones past lives
Himalayan Quartz is a rare variety of crystalline Quartz found only in high elevations of the Himalayan Mountains of India. It carries and radiates the warm, loving energy of the earth and stimulates the Heart Chakra in a profound way.
These are strong relationship crystals, and can support the love and passion of new romance and the unified heart of partners who have been together for some time. Specimens can bring family members closer, strengthen the bonds of friendships, and aid in developing good business partnerships. Use them to draw in love, create balance, and promote good communication and understanding. They can help cultivate strong relationships with one’s angels, animal totems, and spirit guides.
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